Anger. Lies. Lust. Pride. These are the things I suffer with. These are the iniquities that separates me from God.
We all sin. Everyday. Every hour. Every second.
We're too ashamed to admit our faults, our lies, our frauds. But because of God's mercy and grace. HIS mercy and grace. We, the men and women in this world, have been forgiven. For Christ Jesus, His Son, has came into this world. This world of sin. This world of fault. Not to condemn and judge us, but to save us from our sins.
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
~John 3:16-17
It's times like this, when we've falling into sin. When the devil got hold of us for a mere second. That we dug a hole. Thinking it's too hard, we dig a deeper hole. A hole till we THINK we can't get out of. We think it's hopeless. It's too much for us. That we just sit in that hole. That sin. Hopeless.
But I'm here too tell you that there is hope. Because "no matter how deep your sin is, His love is always deeper". Keep on going. Keep striving for the one thing that brings happiness. That brings joy in our life. Never look back but look what's in front of us. This world has blinded us with the untrue and devilish things.
Satan may rule the world. But GOD rules EVERYTHING. Even the demons are in awe of him.
"19 You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder!" ~James 2:19
Keep each other accountable. I know I say that a lot in my posts, but it's true. Don't just live your life alone. Don't go astray from the flock. Keep each other close. Never letting go of each other. Love one another.
8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
~1 Peter 4:8
Love doesn't keep a record of wrongs. Doesn't judge. Doesn't look down on you.
Love forgives. It let's us know that people do care for you. That you aren't the only one out there suffering. We all are.

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