Anyways, tomorrow's Homecoming and I'm pretty excited. A group of us are going and some college people that are visiting are too. Since homecoming is on Friday night, I'll miss youth. ):
I actually want go to youth tomorrow but it's homecoming and it's the my senior friend's last homecoming so I'll just go hang out with them.(:
It's been good for the past weeks. Real Good.

Every time the devil tempts me, I fall on my knees and pray, begging to get the devil out of this room. My life. That I may conquer over the sinful desires that lay ahead of me, because the battle is won on our knees. On our knees, humbled and broken.
"7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” ~Genesis 4:7
You must rule over your sins. Conquer. Destroy. Because the war is already won. Won by the precious blood of Jesus Christ, we just have to finish the race.
Ephesians 6:14-18 talks about putting on the Armor of God.
-Belt of Truth.
-Breastplate of Righteousness
-Our feet ready for the gospel of peace
-Shield of faith
-Helmet of Salvation
-Sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God
-Pray. Pray in the Spirit.
I recite this every morning. Every morning before I leave, I literally say these things in my prayer. Because I know I need them. I know my fortress, my wall of faith, is far from sin and even though it's not the strongest, the firmest there is out there but I do know that I have the heart to go seek Him, to go conquer over my sin.
Anyways, I really don't have much to say and I feel like I've been writing these post really lazily. I feel like this is a drag during my free time and when I read my blogs just for fun, I feel like it's each recent one is turning into an essay. Like it's for homework when it's not. It's suppose to help me express what I'm going through in my walk with God.
Remember that our God is our Abba. Yahweh. Hosanna. DEFENDER.
There's soo much for me to learn. So much things for me to mature and grow on. I want to find it all sooo badly. But I know it takes time and patience. So I'll wait. Wait for the glory of God.
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