Yesterday was a pretty good day. Most of our worship members ate at La Madeleine yesterday for dinner and it was time to socialize and share our week together.
We have only 7 members in our worship. 7. It's a small group but it's good. Easier for us to stay accountable too. During the servant team meeting, Kevin was talking about the formatting and the schedule change for Friday nights. He's changing it up a bit, too see if i'll make the youth more active and able to learn more about the Word. And during that time, he talked about making a Mandarin Class for the international students. Because they feel like they can't fit in our groups, since the English language is the barrier to communication. And Kevin said something about how learning to communicate to these people is like doing missions in Asia. They don't know the Word of God. They just come to church, just cause. It's an open opportunity to go and share.
All my time thinking about how I might consider doing missions. All the time how I think about sharing God's Love. The Chance was always in front of me. I've been thinking about doing missions in other countries. When I realized, why can't I just do it here with these people? Who knows when they will go back to their own homeland?
Justin Wong, talked to me about missions once. How our lives is a mission. That a mission trip isn't going somewhere but it's here. It's in our lives. He asked me the hardest questions ever. I don't remember them but I just remember them being deep and eye-opening. Critical Thinking.
He told me we should be thinking like that. Asking ourselves these questions. (Which I don't remember ): )
Well, basically, our life is a mission right? And this verse -
19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
~Matthew 28:19-20
He gave us 4 commands to do
Go. Disciple. Baptizing. Teaching.
What is missions? How do you define a mission trip?
A place to go share God's Word? A church thing where we just to some random location? Do community service? What?
Going to school is a missions trip. Going to work, library, everywhere you go.
You go out there and shine the light. Shine the light for the lost and wicked.
Anyways, the "Transparency" blog talked about me being scared. Being scared to talk to Z. But it turned out to be just a small light talk. He wanted to know my side of the story, why I freaked out about what happened and stuff. He now knows another part of my life. And he didn't judge. He didn't force me to stop. He just encouraged me. He told me just not to be distracted by it and that if it's in God's plan, it'll happen.

But he does know that I want to learn more about God. And he's there to teach me. Guide me. Show me the path. I'm really glad that God put him into my life.
I'm really tired right now. And this post isn't probably isn't the best A+ grammar write-up. Or an encouraging post. But, it's my life. The title was suppose to be for another thing I learned. But, I'm too tired to write. So I guess I'll leave this afternoon with this and write one tonight,
Find a group of friends you trust. Find a group of friends who you know loves God. Hang out. Share. Love. Be Accountable. (:
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