One of the topics was about our youth mission trip. Where we went to Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Someone wrote a small testimony about what happened during his/her time there and it usually says who wrote it but this time it said "Anonymous". I obviously knew who it was after I read it and the last paragraph she wrote reminded me of why we're here on earth:
"The ONE thing that I took from this mission trip experience is GO! Go out and share the gospel with your friends, family, and even the random person standing next to you in the lunch line. Go. Go and pray, begging the Holy Spirit to work through you. Go. Go and live your life for God no matter what He is calling you to do, because He has the perfect plan for your life. Go.
'Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.' ~ Matthew 28:19
Because when you think about it... what are you supposed to be doing here on this Earth?"
It kinda correlates with my "Expect the Unexpected" post. About the four commands he gave us.
I know I talk the talk, when I should walk the walk.
I talk of change. But I do not change. I talk about going out there, how I want to help these lost, these people blinded from sin. But I'm scared. Scared of what they'll think of me. What they'll say about me. Call me Crazy. Weird. Freak.
But I guess this is where FAITH steps in. Where I stand my ground. My solid fortress and my God. I want people to come and ask me about Christ when I should be the one telling them about Christ.
It's hard. Intimidating. But that's what the devil gives us. Doubts, thinking we can't do it when we actually can. We have God on our side. We have the God who created all things. From the heavens to the earth. From stars to stars. Planets to planets. What should we be afraid of? Nothing.
Because even God let us know that He is there:

~Romans 8:31
---------------I should this. I should take a leap of faith. One GIANT STEP.
So I guess I have a prayer request and it's taking that step. That step of action. Go. Share. Love. That I will go and pray & BEG for the Holy Spirit to work through me.
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