The Potter's Hand - Jeremiah 18

The Potter's Hand - Jeremiah 18

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Start of Writing

It's Sunday night. There's a storm raging outside of my house and my dad just left for work that's out of town. This is my first public post and it's going to be short. Not because I'm lazy right now, but because I'm trying to study for my AP Chemistry test that's tomorrow!!!! I can't concentrate so I guess I'll just write a little about me and what's going on this week.

I'm a junior in high school and I have at least 4-5 test tomorrow and the day after that. I haven't prepared at ALL for them...I have to help out with worship during the weekend for a retreat for our church. I'm PRETTY excited. (:
I really didn't do anything this past week...
Oh Last friday I asked a girl to homecoming and it was a major FAIL. but the good thing she still said yes. of course she'll say yes. its me.


This blog I have isn't  going to be about my life, my school life. But instead, it's going to be about my spiritual life, what I'm struggling with, and my walk with Christ. I don't know if I'll blog again till later this week but I'll try.

I still don't know how to use this blog thing and it took me literally 5 minutes to find this Posting thing. I guess I'll study AP Chem now, and I guess wish me luck!

Oh by the way, this morning in English service, I was really convicted by the message.
Basically, this summer really changed my life, missions trip, DCCYC, and being discipled by one of my youth mentors.I want to become a missionary. But it's hard you know? Giving up your entire life for one mission. but I know that mission is worth my life. It's selfish for us to keep God's Word with us when we could share it with the whole wide world so we ALL can live eternally with our creator.

Ever since I was in 9th Grade, I realized God's going to use me somehow and somewhere, but I never knew when. That all changed this year and I know God's going to do something amazing this year. Not just with me, but with our youth group.
So anyways, I basically got so caught up with school- homework, test, friends,  and all these worldly things, I got carried away from what God is trying to do in my life. Missions.

So during the message, he spoke out a point "that really hit me and reminded me of a verse"

"Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed" 
- Psalm 82:3

He talked about each and every one of us having a gift given by God. And that we should use that gift to do good things in the kingdom of God. But the thing is, we want to choose our gifts instead.

Here's the story he gave:

He and his wife took a long time thinking about what to give as a gift for a birthday present for one of their friends. And after a long and whole-heartily time wrapping that gift, they went to the party and gave him the gift. While he opens the presents, he opened their gift and when he saw it he said "Oh I already have that" and he tosses it to the side and looks at the others to see if he got what he wanted.

We shouldn't being throwing away the gifts God has given each and every one of us. It offends God, saying his gift to us isn't enough. Use that gift, whatever it is, listening, singing, persuading, socializing, anything.

I know one of the many gifts He has given me is the gift of listening. I may not be able to explain things, or sing well for worship but whenever people are in need of help, I can always listen and never judge.

So I guess this is my first blogging and I'm gonna end it with this:

Just remember that God, Our Savior, Our Defender, and Our Father is true and as real as can ever be. He shall reign in us forever and ever if you let him. Amen.

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