The Potter's Hand - Jeremiah 18

The Potter's Hand - Jeremiah 18

Saturday, September 24, 2011

God's Amazing Grace

It's Saturday and I'm at the retreat. It's would you say, amazing.
It's only the morning and God already worked and shown his Mercy & Grace.

We didn't even practice the songs this morning one time through. But by HIS mercy, he let the holy spirit inside us, weak and humbled,  to lead 40+ of the college and youth to worship.
It's funny, the songs, we choose. We didn't know what to expect, we didn't know what the message was about, or anything at all. But the songs, all of them, had a meaning to the message, to the place where we are at right now.

Before that, last night, when we arrived at this place, the team, most of them, wanted to talk to me about last night (on the last blog) about what happened and what should be done. After we prayed and had a small talk, in the end, I asked if they would forgive me. I mean, I guess people wouldn't expect me, a guy who jokes around all the time, to actually ask in person or a group, to ask for forgiveness. And they all started laughing. I was like, *sigh*, but they weren't mocking me, but saying the irony. That they had a deal, the 3 girls. Basically, they said: "If we can't become a group in unity, how are we going to lead these people to worship? We can't lead unless we are in unity." something like that...
So they said to each other that if I asked for forgiveness, they would go back and lead. Not thinking I would ask, I did.

My grammar right now is probably really bad right now but I don't care, its not what I'm thinking about right, I'm thinking about how amazing God is. How Glorious.

We all started cheering about how well we did for worship. But it hit me, what about God. GOD. We should be praising God.
For it says...

Therefore, as the Scriptures say, "If you want to boast, boast only about the LORD."
-1 Corinthians 1:31

We still have to lead tonight, and tomorrow morning. So I'm all HYPE up.

Missions Trip (:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing... I hope you keep writing, I'll be reading.
