The Potter's Hand - Jeremiah 18

The Potter's Hand - Jeremiah 18

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Delight in God's Grace

Left: Speaker's Wife
Middle: Our speaker during the retreat, Mike.
Right: Our youth pastor: Kevin

I'm back home, back to reality. I took a 5-hour power nap so I can finish my homework by tonight.

I always keep thinking about the retreat, it was such an amazing experience. I thought I would do the same thing as the last retreat where I would play paintball, basketball and chill with my friends. But instead of growing closer to the fun and entertainment this world has to offer, I grew closer to God.
I know that this world cannot provide the joy and happiness God has to give, yet I still ignore it. I’m too scared that giving up my time, my life to God will not give me what I desire.

It’s like there’s two doorways infront of you:
One that says on top “World” and the other that says “Believer”
When you look into the doorway of the “World”, you see these fun, these short-lived desires that would keep you entertained for only a specified amount of time. But when you look into the doorway of “Believer”, you don’t see much. You see a doorway which leads to the unknown. You’re too scared to go through it thinking that once you go through, you’ll be abandoned. But that’s not true. God has a plan for each and every one of us.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11

That’s probably the worst analogy ever. It just popped up in my head. So, please, don’t criticize. ):

I have quite a lot of homework this week, and it’s the last week of the six weeks, so I have to work hard to keep up my grades for one more week. I know I’m going to be tired, exhausted and become to lazy to have my quiet times with God in the mornings. But I know that without my time with God, I become weak and the devil can come and easily over-conquer me. So I guess this week, the main verse I need to rely on is-

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
                                    ~Proverbs 3:5-6

Because we get so caught to this world, we forget to be still and know that YOU are GOD. So for all of you guys reading this, keep on striving for God and never forget what HIS SON DID FOR YOU. AND ME. AND ALL OF US!!! 

The CRAZY college group. (:

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