The Potter's Hand - Jeremiah 18

The Potter's Hand - Jeremiah 18

Sunday, September 25, 2011


It's the last morning for the retreat and I'm pretty sad about it. I mean, I gotten so close to my worship members, or that's I what I think. It kinda sucks knowing that we all have to go back to the world, go back to reality and it's troubles.
Mike Baker. That's our speaker. His messages may seem unrelated, not even close to God's Word in the beginning, maybe the middle, but in the end, he connects all the points. And it makes total sense. It's fun to see the different ways other people teach and learning from them could be a thing to do.

So our team has to lead worship one last time for the colleges and youth in like an hour and a half. 1 hour 21 minutes precisely (: 
It's really sad, knowing I won't be able to lead with my other worship leaders until the next event. We make a really great team, I think it's because we know each other. Hester and Hilarie has these AMAZING voices and when they sing and harmonize together, it's simply amazing. Josh knows how to keep the beat because obviously I cannot count or have a steady beat. Tiffany's always silent and she never says anything when we practice. But she's important to our group. All of them are. So I thank God for putting them into my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My life's getting better each second but I'm scared all this fantasy, this world of peace, will be crushed once I get back. ):
But I know I still have my God, My King. He shall forever reign in me forever and ever.

"Shout to the LORD, all the earth; break out in praise and sing for joy!"
                                    ~Psalm 98:4

Stand up and never lose your voice for Christ. Never back down. Because Jesus Christ, His Son, died for us.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, you really have the heart for serving God. :D Sounds like the retreat was fun - wish I could've gone.
