I’m scared. I’m really scared on how I’m going to survive. But I guess this is where God comforts me. I’m giving my life to God, and I know He can Provide. That He is all I need. But still, doubts and the uncertainties come about. What if I’m not successful? What if I don’t live a happy life? I know that my life is going to be based on God. My future is all in God’s hands, and if he wants me to become a missionary, I’ll go. If He wants me to become a teacher, I’ll be. If he wants me to be a businessman, I’ll do. I wish my childlife would stay forever, never having to worry about the future, never worry about anything, because I know my parents have my back. But I guess, you have to grow up someday.
That’s what I’m leaning on. That’s my foundation, my fortress. I’m placing everything I have at God’s feet. And it’s hard and scary, but this is where faith steps in. Life is going to go on, whether I like it or not, so instead of wasting my time, my desires on the simple things that give happiness, I’ll give my time, my life to the One who can provide eternal Joy.
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