One of my friends, my best friend, told me about the problems going on with his friends and he was just so mad on how bad things happen to such good people. Innocent people who don't deserve to suffer so deeply. There's absolutely no reason at all, none, for these things to happen. Maybe there is, maybe it's all part of God's plan. Who knows.
I replied back saying, this is why we need to shine as Christians. To show those lost, those broken, that God's love, His love can mend any broken heart, even if it's shattered into billions of pieces. It's God. A God who can move the mountains, split the seas apart, turn a river into blood, and heal the blind and sickness.

I think it's the perfect time to show them that I care. I think it's the perfect moment for me to show love just like God showed His Love towards us.
"We love because He loved first."
1 John 4:19
We are a body of one, and I want to show them that I do care for them, I don't really know how to show love because I'm not really that type of guy, but I do know I can pray for them. I can pray and encourage them daily.
"If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it."
1 Corinthians 12:26
So, I guess, wondering why, why on earth does all these things happen to the people we love, and care for? I really don't have an answer.
But I do know that if me, you- ALL of you, as a loving brother and sister in Christ, can help them continue to seek God with all their strength and that they may trust in Him with all their soul even through the darkest times, that they will find joy and that they know those holes can be filled up by the Lord's love and grace.
"Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying."
1 Corinthians 12:12
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