The Potter's Hand - Jeremiah 18

The Potter's Hand - Jeremiah 18

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Shining out through the Hopeless

The teacher I asked to sponsor PraySing said he could not because he had to take care of his kids and his wife said he couldn't.


I was really looking forward to it. I stopped praying about it. I woke up late today.
Yet God still showed that He was in control.

There's a devotion group led by a friend of mine that was created during lunch called S.W.A.T. [S]tudents [W]ith [A] [T]estimony
During Chemistry, I was telling him about how I was planning on making a club for Christians and stuff and he started telling me about teachers who could sponsor it.
In the end, he said an art teacher. I didn't know her. I stalled my time. I was like, "okay, I'll talk to her later". And he was like "No, no lets talk to her now, I'll go with you"
We went, and she turned out to be a nice person.
When we greeted her, I explained my club, the purpose and so on. And in a flash, she immediately said "YES, OF COURSE, YES YES. Give me your info and we'll talk more about this later, I have a teacher meeting starting right now."

Later, we left and my friend told me how she was praying and praying for a student to make a Christian club. Not just a club where they play games and have fun, but a true Christian Club. The irony, huh? Nope, it's God's planning.

We started talking as we walked to the parking lot, started talking about uniting S.W.A.T and PraySing. Hoping to bring people in and let them understand that this isn't just a religious thing, but a relationship with Christ.

Crazy...even when I doubted him, had the least amount of faith in Him, he revealed his plans today. I'm suppose to meet with the art teacher tomorrow and just talk about it and stuff. I'm excited. YES! Praise the Lord!
Pray, pray for me and this club. That we can exalt God through this.

"O LORD my God, I take refuge in you; save and deliver me from all who pursue me, "
                                                                ~Psalms 7:1


Friday, March 16, 2012


"He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; 
   I will be exalted among the nations, 
   I will be exalted in the earth.” ~Psalms 46:10 

How many times have the verse Psalm 46:10 come across our minds?
Do we acknowledge it? Or just live our lives?
I struggle with that. I'm an active person. I love to run around, I love to sing and play guitar. But it's not about me. It's about God.
For God says "Be Still and know that I am God"

Whew... just on our knees and having absolute silence. Nothing.
No music in the background. No prayers or request. Just knowing the splendor of God and his mighty power...just...


It's hard. Definitely with Spring Break. But as it ends, as school comes and challenges and bumps come. When we need him, we pray. God wants us. He's hear listening and waiting for every need we have, for every praise we can shout out, and every heart broken from some tragic event. We want to live our lives. But God wants us to live for Him.

So in the times of devotions for me, instead of praying an everyday routine, I decided to be silent and know God is God. It's hard. Not to wander my mind off to another thing. A party, a hangout, a girl. Anything. But as times go by, perfection comes closer. So I'll try. Keep it going...5 minutes with silence...10.....15......30.....60....forever...

"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money."
                                                              ~Matthew 6:24

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Take a moment and ask yourself this:

Why are you trying to obey the 10 commandments?
Why are you not cheating?
Why do you want to share the Word with others?

Is it because it "seems" right? Or what?
Seriously, just don't do anything right now, but think.

See, we're here to glorify God.
That's our purpose, to worship and praise God and God only.
Grades isn't the main thing. College. Business. Nothing.
Because everything is in the hands of God. You can't change that. I can't change that.
And if you think about it, in the end, we, believers, are all going to heaven and just glorify God forever and ever. So why not start now? 

1 Chronicles 16:29 Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and come before him: worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness. 

But the thing is. We're all selfish. It's in us. And we're blinded by it.
Consumed by the world. But God has chosen people to see. Like us.
We became believers. We know God is real. But a lot of people don't know Him. They question Him, they simply just reject God.
And when the times come, when our friends ask us who He is. We're stunned.
We don't know what to say, what to do, or even how to react to the question.
Because we aren't prepared. We have to read, pray, fight. We have to be ready and armed with the Armor of God throughout our lives. But we don't that's the thing.

For it says in 1 Corinthians 3:6...

I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. 

Pray for the Holy Spirit to dwell in you throughout the day.
A new task has been given to me now,
The first, is total Obedience toward God - Building that foundation to fight for the years yet to come
The second, is to be ready when the time comes, whatever or whenever that may be.

To not be of this world, but be out of this world. 
To influence, not be influenced.
That's the hard part...well actually they're both hard.
But with God, all things are possible. Just need that passion and the right motivation why we are doing this:

To Glorify God.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Worship forever!

I have SAT this week. Projects to do. AP Test to study for. But, hey, I'm not worried. Because I know my God is with me. Forever and ever!

What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?
                                                       ~ Romans 8:31

I've placed my trust in God. And it's been worthwhile. Though I woke up late today, I still overcame the temptations that wandered around me because my walk with God isn't just in the morning times, it's throughout the day. And I know I am a warrior of Christ.

I'm leading worship this Friday, though I think I'm sick again, and my nose is all clogged up, my voice isn't the greatest, I'm still going to worship Him. Nothing, nothing can stop me! :)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

It's ripe. It's time.

The Lord will be with us. Never will He depart. Never will He forsake us.
He is our God, our King, and I am in awe that He would still love us even after all the things we have done against.

God has truly been my refuge. He is slowly and steadily, but peacefully and quietly, building my foundation, my fortress up. Strong-willed. No cracks. No faults. Nothing.
During my time with Z, we prayed for an hour before youth. It was nice. It was good. To worship and praise God and thanking him for all the things he's done for us.

Later, he pulled me aside. Took me to the sanctuary. We stood where the pastor stood to speak. No light. But the small sunlight fading in the window. We looked out in the empty seats. The quiet room. Silence.

Speaking, teaching me the ways of how a pastor gives a message. How, you have to be ready. Put your heart in the right place. Explaining. What he, himself, does.

Then, silence.

Looking around. Seeing how God built ACC. How silent, but praise worthy was it for me to stand there. In that dark room. Afterward, I told Z how I've been praying about being a youth pastor.
He looked at me and said,
"I already knew you were going to a pastor, but didn't which one."

As He walked away toward the youth room. 
I processed those words in my head.
I smiled. And thought. "God, I'm ready."

"In the fear of the LORD one has strong confidence, and his children will have a refuge."
                                                                ~Proverbs 14:26

P.S. I have been asking a teacher and praying about making a PraySing Club. Please please pray for it. I know some great Christians out there in our school. I want to unite them all. 
Its time to leave a mark on this high school before I leave. A mark that'll glorify God forever and ever.