Having an excessive amount of homework and test, workouts, sleep, my schedule has no time to fit in worship practice. I am leading worship this Friday, but since I've been so busy, I didn't have time to gather my team, my songs, and practice on Sunday. I decided my songs today, and even though everything feels like a rush, I'm not scared for this Friday. This time, I decided to do something different. My perspective on true worship, and why we have the Holy Spirit has changed over the couple of weeks. Realizing that God doesn't just use US, but the Holy Spirit within us, I decided to prepare my time of worship by praying.
Praying. Focused and Humbled. Placing everything I have, my desires, my pride, myself, to God. Asking that He will truly use the Holy Spirit in me, not me.
I have been praying in the mornings, waking up earlier and earlier so I can spend more time with Him. I feel like I'm beginning to find this Joy and Peace God provides. I wake myself up because I want to pray. I'm so eager, so excited to pray, to read His Word. His Holy Word.
Rejoice through the sufferings. Rejoice through the pain. For I know my God is with me no matter what.

I am, still burdened and weary from school and stress. And I do ask that, you guys pray for me for this Friday, that I am lead with a passionate heart.
Still reading through the book of Judges, I read chapter 18, and this one verse, spoke to me.
The priest answered them, "Go in peace. Your journey has the LORD's approval."
~Judges 18:6
That made me smile. It gave me hope, that all that I have been praying for, for the past 1/2 year, God is listening. I've been praying about me going into ministry, doing missions, worship, becoming a youth pastor, anything. And even though I feel like my prayers have not been answered, I still continued to pray.
My discipler told me, that you just have to keep praying, and in the end, God will be glorified. Staying faithful when times are meek. Staying strong when hope is all lost.
Though I have much too learn, much to see. Though I am immature. Though I am a sinner.
I know God awaits. I know God still loves. I know God still pushes me onward, telling me not to look to the left or right, but walk straight. Walking not by sight, but by faith.
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