The Potter's Hand - Jeremiah 18

The Potter's Hand - Jeremiah 18

Friday, October 21, 2011


It's finally Friday. Finally. It's been one long week and I'm seriously just running on coffee.
I finally got to sleep for more than 5 hours and it's 5:15 A.M.
I don't know why, but I've been irritated by everyone. I was talking about it with some of my friends and they all have been annoyed lately by people. I don't wanna talk, or hang out with people. I feel so empty inside. Like I don't have that passion anymore to do anything. Maybe cause I'm super exhausted or something. I don't feel like playing guitar. Not even do anything but lay in my bed and close my eyes.

I know satan has his ways and he comes at you hard when you're weak, but I still read my bible in the mornings. I still asked God to keep me away from any temptation for I know that satan will take any chance to cause me too fall into sin. I didn't write a blog this whole week and I apologize for it. Life's so stressful. 

This Sunday, our youth Pastor spoke and he challenged us. Challenged us to share the Word, His Love, at least one time this week. Every morning I prayed that He will use me. That he'd take my offering, me, so that I may be used in the Kingdom of God. That if there is any chance I see, any opportunity, that I'd make a fool out of myself for a sec and share His Love. I prayed. I hoped. And I waited. I still haven't shared and it's already Friday. This doesn't mean God's not using me, as for what most people would think, but just not at the right now. Z said his mom said, if you pray and pray everyday for Him to use you, that you'd pray wholeheartedly, and even though nothing happened, God will be glorified. Just continue to have faith and hope and love. I can't wait till this day is over, after youth, so I can just go home and sleep. 

Anyways, nothing really happened this week, and I'm so tired I can barely think. Some days I felt like not doing my devotions, but I still woke up, sat down and read. I still got on my knees, humbled, asking for Him to reign in me. Because I know, I Know, that I cannot survive a day without Him. For I hunger and thirst for Him.

It was either Friday or on the message, I forgot, that the speaker taught about using our Gifts. Whatever it is, use it for the glory of God. And that hit me. I started thinking about gifts and talents that I have. I can't think of any. I seriously can't. I prayed about this and I asked that He'd open my eyes on the gifts He has given me. That'd be able to use it. I don't care what gift He gave me, I just wanna know what it is, and use it. Maybe it's too obvious for me to see what that is.

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. ~ 1 Peter 4:10

Other than being tired, I actually had a good week. I thought about things a lot since I mostly laid on my bed. Even when you're weak and tired and exhausted from this world, continue to walk with God. Continue to chase after him because when you finish the race, he will say "Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant"

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith
   ~ 2 Timothy 4:7

I'm too tired, I just started typing this random blog and I have to go right now. So I know that my grammar and sentence and stuff probably doesn't even make sense, so sorry.

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